About this website

This website is something about me, but may or may not be what you expected. I will list what this website is not for and is for.

This website is NOT for:

  1. Who is looking for my professional experience: This is not a portfolio-ish website, it does not contain any of my projects or work-related things. This website might used to be a portfolio website, and might be a portfolio website in the future, but not right now.
  2. Scammers: If you are looking for my personal information that can be used for scams such as my birthday, address, or any other sensitive information, you are in the wrong place. You won’t find any of those. There will be my photos on this website, but I won’t show my clear face feature, you won’t be able to use my face to theft identity.

This website is for:

Those who want to know me a little bit more without even talking to me. This website is about introducing myself, including my very brief background, my personality, expressing myself and so on. I don’t think you reached this website just by randomly clicking something, you probably searched for something, and most likely my name. If so, this website is for you, and don’t worry, you are anonymous, you don’t have to type any of your information unless you are willing to.

Note: Additional functions or information will be added, but since I need to plan it, figure out how to actually make it, and organize related materials, the progress will be pretty slow.

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